We are very excited to announce that stall holder & suitcase market applications are now open for the second series of Smart Street Parties, to be held in the Smart Street Mall between 5-9pm on the following dates:
Friday 5th December 2014
Friday 9th January 2015
Friday 6th February 2015
Friday 6th March 2015
Friday 10th April 2015
Friday 1st May 2015
Please note:
- There is only a limited number of spots available - you are not confirmed until we have approved your application.
- There is no access into the Mall via vehicle, so all applicants must be able to transport their goods from the car park to their allocated spot.
- Only ONE suitcase spot per applicant allowed per event.
- Preference will be given to hand-made or quality imported products, with only a limited number of stalls selling similar items approved per event, to allow for variety.
If you are interested in applying, please read through the Term & Conditions and fill out the attached Stallholder or Suitcase Market application and email to: smartstreetparties@gmail.com
There are three types of stall sites available:
1. Food stalls are $50 each incl GST.
There is no access to electricity on site and limited vehicle access so these are most suitable for food vendors that can operate from a 3 x 3 marquee who bring generators or cook with gas. Stalls will be booked to ensure we have a range of savoury food, sweet foods and drinks and some new stallholders at each event.
For an application form please email: smartstreetparties@gmail.com
2. General 3x3 market sites are $50 each incl GST.
Stallholders need to bring all equipment such as tables, marquee etc. We only have a small number of these stall sites available and preference will be given to stallholders selling high quality, contemporary handmade goods, art or good quality vintage or retro goods. Stalls can be shared.
Please note that we receive many times more applications for these stalls than we have sites available. Please include photographs with your application to increase your chances of being selected.
For an application form please email: smartstreetparties@gmail.com
3. Suitcase sites are $10 each incl GST.
These are suitable for anyone including artists, crafters, collectors, children, fundraising groups and general stallholders wanting a low hassle, low cost selling opportunity.
These stalls are allocated on a first-in first-served basis so unlike the other two stall types (where stallholders are selected from all applications) your application is essentially a booking. Applications are open now for both events and stay open until all spaces are filled.
For an application form please email: smartstreetparties@gmail.com
If you have questions that aren't answered in the application forms, please email: smartstreetparties@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you!
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